General Student Information | Terms and Conditions
Education Code of Practice
Child Matters has undertaken a self-review of its obligations under the Education Code of Practice and the summary report of this self-review is available here.
Complaints Policy
A copy of the Child Matters Complaints Policy can be accessed here.
Entry Requirements
Any student who has New Zealand citizenship or residency is eligible to enrol. Proof of citizenship or residency may be required and enrolment may not be able to proceed without verified proof.
Please refer to the student information for the specific course to confirm pre-requisites.
Language Competency
Students are expected to have an adequate level of competence in written and spoken English to allow them to participate in training both verbally and in writing. If required, help is available to students to complete the Child Matters workbook. Students should notify Child Matters in advance if they require help.
Students undertaking the assessment against NZQA Unit Standards will be expected to complete several written assignments, and must have the competency to fulfil these requirements.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Unit Standards
The Child Protection Studies Programme and New Zealand Diploma in Child Protection are fully accredited and approved by NZQA.
Should you wish Child Matters to advise NZQA of your completion of units, please ensure you complete the appropriate sections of the enrolment form.
Students will be expected to successfully meet a number of assessment requirements in order to be awarded any qualification. Specific assessment requirements are outlined in the student information for each course.
Students are responsible for arranging their own accommodation, at their own expense.
Students are responsible for their own parking while attending training. Child Matters takes no responsibility for vehicles while students are attending training.
Staff and students are covered under the provisions of the Accident Compensation Act 2001. All accidents occurring during classroom time should be recorded in the venue’s Accident/Incident Register, and reported to the tutor immediately.
The Privacy Act 2020 came into force on 30 June 2020 with the stated aim of protecting the privacy of natural persons. It requires Child Matters to collect, hold, handle, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the twelve information privacy principles in the Act which can be viewed on the Office of the Privacy Commissioner website.
Personal and Professional Safety
Please note, the content in the Child Protection Studies Programme course may adversely impact anyone who has experienced child abuse or trauma. It is therefore necessary for consideration to be given to the suitability of each student to ensure their safety and wellbeing is maintained.
Supply of Information to Government Agencies and other Organisations
Child Matters supplies data collected on the enrolment form to government agencies, which may include:
- Ministry of Education
- New Zealand Qualifications Authority
- Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children
- Inland Revenue (student loans)
- Agencies that support particular students through scholarships, payment of fees, or other awards.
Those agencies use the data collected from tertiary education organisations to:
- Administer the tertiary education system, including allocating funding
- Develop policy advice for government
- Conduct statistical analysis and research
Your personal details (name, date of birth and residency) as entered on your enrolment form will be included in the National Student Index and may be used in an authorised information matching programme with the New Zealand Birth Register.
The government agencies above may supply data collected on this form to Statistics New Zealand for the purposes of integrating data with data collected by other government agencies, subject to the provisions of the Statistics Act 1975. Integrated data is used for the production of official statistics, to inform policy advice to government and for research purposes.
In handling data supplied by you on the enrolment form, the government agencies are required to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993.
When required by law, Child Matters releases information to government agencies such as the New Zealand Police, Department of Justice, Ministry of Social Development, and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).
Information collected on the enrolment form may be supplied to other educational organisations for the purpose of verifying academic records.
Payment, Cancellation, Refund and Transfer Policy
In the unlikely event of course cancellation by Child Matters, a refund will be provided.
Workshops (including in-person workshops and online webinars)
Full payment of the course fees must be received 7 days prior to workshop (in-person or online webinar) commencement date.
Cancellation or withdrawal of enrolment within 7 days of the commencement date will incur a $50 cancellation fee. Fees will be refunded less this fee.
Non-attendance of the course without notice will result in no reimbursement of fees. Should you wish to transfer to another workshop (in-person or online webinar) an administration fee of $25 will be charged.
Full payment of the course fees must be received 14 days prior to programme commencement date.
Cancellation or withdrawal of enrolment within 2 working days of the commencement date will incur a 50% administration fee. Fees will be refunded less this administration fee.
Non-attendance of the course without notice will result in no reimbursement of fees. Should you wish to transfer to another programme an administration fee of $25 will be charged.
Full payment of the course fees must be received 14 days prior to the commencement of the New Zealand Diploma in Child Protection.
Cancellation or withdrawal up until the 8th day following commencement of the Diploma will incur a cancellation fee of 10% of the course fee for administration costs.
Students who withdraw following final approval must complete a Withdrawal Form stating the reason for withdrawal.
Students who withdraw after the end of the 8th day following commencement will not receive any refund of fees.