New Zealand Child Abuse Statistics
On average, 1 child dies every 5 weeks in New Zealand.
Statistics Review
As at March 2021
- NZ ranks at 35th out of 41 developed countries for child wellbeing outcomes (UNICEF Innocenti Report)
- A child dies every 5 weeks in NZ as a result of family violence (UNICEF Innocenti Report)
Salvation Army State of The Nation
Released February 2025
Children and Violence statistics as at 31 December 2024:
- 5,709 cases of sexual assault and other assault against young people aged 15 - 19 years
- 3,963 cases of serious assault without injury
- 2,149 cases of serious assault resulting in injury
- 1,223 cases of common assault
- 1,683 cases of aggravated sexual assault
- 339 hospitalisations due to assault, abuse or neglect (including ED)
Sexual abuse trends
Released 19 January 2021
- One in six New Zealand women experience sexual violence from an intimate partner during their lifetime
- Child sexual abuse rates: 1 in 5
- Non-partner sexual assault: 1 in 14
Oranga Tamariki Care and Protection statistics
For year ended 31 December 2020
- 78,900 Reports of Concern made
- 41,300 assessments or investigations carried out
- 8,200 Family Group Conferences held
The Homicide Report
Released 13 May 2019
- Every 8th homicide victim in New Zealand from 2004 to 31 March 2019 was a child
- More than two thirds of the victims were aged 2 or under
- Of the cases where the killer's relationship to the victim was known, 27% were mothers, 24% were fathers, and 17% were de facto partners.
Released 15 June 2017
- New Zealand has the highest rate of teen suicide in the OECD
- New Zealand has the 6th highest teen pregnancy rate in the OECD
- New Zealand has the 7th highest rate of child homicide in the OECD.
Source: stuff.co.nz